Multiplex Gemini Sport Bi-Plane
I recently assembled the New Multiplex Gemini Sport Bi-Plane. Having been a Bi-Plane fan from way back when, selecting this model is a natural for me. There are many small park flying bipes on the market. From what I have found they fly fairly decent at best. Most suffer from their light weight and will weathervane into the wind something awful. The Gemini breaks out of those inadequacy’s as far as I’m concerned.
The Gemini Specs are as follows:
AUW including a Thunder Power 3 cell 2100 battery 32 ounces
36” Wingspan
The Gemini is the latest in Multiplex’s line of kits for 2007. The Elaptor foam parts fit very well, but I did take the time to sand the entire model with 400 grit wet paper. It removed the mould marks that otherwise take away Multiplex’s smooth surface. A nice touch is Multiplex’s simulated ribbing on the wings.
Like all Elaptor kits the use of Medium CA is used with a shot of kicker here and there. This was the first kit I used Mercury Adhesives brand of CA and found it to be good stuff. No more clogged CA tips for me! Keep in mind when you use CA setup time to join parts is limited. Use your head to know its best to add CA to the female part and fit the male part into it, not the other way around!
The only change I made was to use the Himax 3516-1130 motor. You do have to drill the mount to use this motor but with the aid of a drill press its very easy. Fitting an APC 10x5E prop and some old thunder power 3 cell 2100s gave me 240W for about 24A draw. I can live with the 120W per lb for now. With new packs next year I hope to prop the model closer to 150W per lb. As is even with these 3 year old packs I’m getting 10 minutes of spirited flight as I rarely fly the model at WOT.
Flying the model I have found pushing the pack to the rear of the bay gives me a nice C of G. Actually I’m flying just rearward of Multiplex’s recommended setting.
So far
While I have talked a bit about how good of an aerobatic model this plane is I cant say enough about how easy it is to fly. Slow or fast, low or high, inverted or straight and level you just feel confident flying this model. If you have flown an aileron trainer this would be a great step up for you. Make sure you set your throws per Multiplex’s recommendations and you will be fine on low rates
To follow the on-line discussion of the Multiplex Gemini please click here.
Thanks for reading and feel free to leave comments! Tommy D
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